Liliana Werner
The Power List 2018

Liliana Werner
Co-Director of the Intermountain Ocular Research Center and Tenured Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, John A. Moran Eye Center, University of Utah, UT, USA
Liliana’s career highlights include: promotion to full Professor and award of Tenure by the University of Utah; member of the JCRS editorial board since 2004; acting as Chair of the ASCRS Continuing Medical Education Advisory Committee at the ASCRS since 2011; becoming a member of the International Intra-Ocular Implant Club (IIIC) in 2001; and becoming an Honorary Member of the Brazilian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (BRASCRS) in 2014. “Also, any time any paper, presentation, video, or poster from our laboratory is recognized by peers I am very happy,” says Werner.
What drives you day-to-day?
“The idea that, if our research helps prevent any IOL complication, or improves the quality of any IOL, this has the potential to impact a significant number of patients all around the world. This goes much beyond the scope of impact that I would be able to have as one individual ophthalmologist.”
What inspires you?
“All professionals who pioneered IOL implantation and their analyses, all women who fought for rights that I can freely enjoy today, and my parents for their love and dedication in providing us with a great education.”
The Art of Eyes: Anterior Segment