John Berdahl
The Power List 2018

John Berdahl
Partner at Vance Thompson Vision, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Career Highlights?
“Professionally I know that I am meant to do eye surgery on the people who put their trust in me. And nothing is more satisfying to me than taking care of patients. The second most gratifying thing is helping train fellows in surgical skills, clinical judgment and the values of always putting the needs of the patients first, as well as seeing these incredibly talented young men and women grow into the people who will take our beloved profession to the next level. Being part of a team that loves coming to work every Monday is also a highlight. On the research side, I have been incredibly blessed and lucky to be able to pursue some of our own ideas, particularly exploring CSF pressure in glaucoma and treatment methodology to lower IOP by locally altering atmospheric pressure around the eye. Additionally, being a co-inventor on the MKO melt and providing ‘Astigmatism Fix’ – a free tool for surgeons to use world-wide – have all been enormously satisfying.”
What inspires you?
“Delivering on the trust that employees, patients and partners, the people and our profession put in me. I am inspired by meeting people in their moments of vulnerability and making their life better. I am also inspired by challenging dogma and seeing if what we’ve always believed or always done is really true and finding the best way to do things.”
What are your goals for the future?
“My future goals are simple. I just want to be a person who gives a little bit more to the world than what I take out of it. And that’s going to be a challenge because the world gives me so much. Hopefully, the people that I interact with feel like their life is a little better because we had a chance to get to know each other.”