Florian Kretz
The Power List 2018

Florian Kretz
CEO of Augenärzte Gerl, Kretz & Kollegen; Lead Surgeon, Augentageskliniken Rheine & Greven; Consultant & Research Coordinator of The International Vision Correction Research Center Network (IVCRC.NET), University of Heidelberg; and CEO of the NGO Augenärzte Für Die Welt GmbH, Germany
Who inspires you?
“My grandfather with his dedication to perfection. Also, my 8-year old daughter planting her fantasies in my head and helping me to look for solutions in a different direction.”
What have been your career highlights?
“Performing CE & FDA studies at our clinics and yearly philanthropic missions to Cambodia or Uganda. Also, having met my wife who continuously supports me and holds our family together so I can live my hobby: being an eye surgeon.”
What’s the future of refractive surgery?
“I believe the future is now, and there are great ideas out there that just have to be filtered and put into clinical practice. The future is what we make out of it, and I believe it is very important that we as specialists come together with the industry to design our own future in the best interest of our patients.”
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