Dawn Sim
The Power List 2018

Dawn Sim
Consultant Ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK
Dawn is a consultant ophthalmic surgeon in the medical retina service at Moorfields Eye Hospital, and a former chief resident and current clinical lead for diabetic screening there. She has a PhD from the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology for her work on endothelial progenitor cells in retinal vascular diseases and has published extensively on diabetic macular ischemia. She also has a special interest in the area of virtual clinics and teleophthalmology and is working on device-agnostic platforms to facilitate acceleration of new technology into clinical practice. An ARVO Alcon Early Career Research Award winner, Dawn is a patent holder for the use of Indocyanine Green Dye for visualization of inflammation. A prolific and successful grant-raiser, Dawn also won the Dermot Pierse prize in 2009 and the 2009 Young Investigator’s Award at Asia ARVO in 2007.
Nominator comment:“Dawn is a pioneer in telemedicine and she has published great work recently about the implementation of a virtual medical retina clinic.”