Abhay Vasavada
The Power List 2018

Abhay Vasavada
Director of Raghudeep Eye Clinic and Iladevi Cataract & IOL Research Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
A cataract/refractive surgeon and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Abhay has expertise in the successful resolution of complicated cataract and pediatric cases. This knowledge is in great demand: Vasavada is a renowned educator and is regularly asked to share his experiences by performing live surgery. He started Raghudeep Eye Clinic as a cataract specialty center in 1984 in Ahmedabad, India.
What have been your career highlights?
“That I have been able to train more than 130 doctors (national and international) in the art of cataract surgery. This gives a tremendous satisfaction of passing on whatever knowledge and skills I have. Secondly, from the beginning, I have been passionate about treating young kids with eye problems, and that is something I have been successful in my own limited way to do.”
What are your goals for the future?
“I am very keen on inculcating a research attitude amongst clinicians and inspire them to collaborate more and more with basic scientists. This is the only way we can contribute to the progress of science in a true sense.”
What are your plans for the next 10 years?
“I wish to dedicate to more time to research and teaching activities. Also, I wish to pursue other hobbies, including traveling and fitness activities, which had taken a backseat in my busy career.”
What drives you day-to-day?
“A desire to do better and better drives me on a day-to-day basis.”
Who have been your mentors?
“I have been fortunate to be associated with great clinicians, surgeons, and scientists throughout my life. I have learned so much from each one of them, so it is difficult to name just a few!”
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