Lessons From the Deep
August 16, 2015
Can the combination of 360° haptics and a novel protective membrane, which emulates the pattern found on shark skin, in a single IOL prevent PCO and make YAG laser capsulotomies a thing of the past?
1 min read
For Surgeons, By Surgeons
August 16, 2015
A new ocular biometer automates IOL selection and offers an exciting alternative to sometimes unpredictable IOL power formulae
1 min read
Supplementary Content: Patient Questionnaire
August 13, 2015
We interviewed a patient who had undergone refractive lens exchange about her motivation to undergo her surgery, and how she feels about her post-surgical vision. Here is the transcript of that interview.
1 min read
Social Media: What’s the Point?
August 13, 2015
Using social media platforms to interact, educate and promote your practice
1 min read
The Misnomer of Monovision
August 13, 2015
Monofocal IOLs allow patients to retain good near and distance vision, typically with high levels of satisfaction. So why isn’t monovision more popular with surgeons?
1 min read
Patient Care at a Premium
August 13, 2015
The rise of the experience economy means that ophthalmology practices must go to great lengths to ensure their patients are receiving not just the best medical care, but also the best possible customer service
1 min read
Trying Out Trifocals
August 13, 2015
When considering patients’ functional vision needs and satisfaction levels, intermediate vision has been overlooked for too long – new trifocal mIOLs may change that
1 min read
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