Ophthalmology Futures Forum 2014: The Interviews
November 17, 2014
Find out what makes the meeting unique from the innovators and the investors who are driving the future of ophthalmology forward.
1 min read
November 17, 2014
Find out what makes the meeting unique from the innovators and the investors who are driving the future of ophthalmology forward.
1 min read
November 17, 2014
Tackling visual impairment early, effectively and flexibly
1 min read
November 17, 2014
Ideally, all patients would adhere to antibiotic and steroid eyedrop regimens, but they don’t, and actually sometimes they can’t. Transzonular injection of these agents after cataract surgery could overcome compliance woes.
1 min read
November 17, 2014
A small-aperture IOL could offer new hope for patients with cataract and presbyopia
1 min read
November 17, 2014
Current diagnostic methods for visual tests and imaging work are great, but can you obtain improved diagnoses with the addition of electrophysiological tests? For me, the answer is clear – after all, electrophysiology is no longer simply the domain of research institutes.
1 min read
November 17, 2014
The way that babies process information from eye expressions adds another piece to the social and emotional development puzzle
1 min read
November 17, 2014
OCT angiography offers high-resolution imaging of the deep retinal vasculature
1 min read
November 14, 2014
Abbott and Zeiss join forces, Valeant and Allergan continue to battle
1 min read
November 14, 2014
More than three years of experience with this new kid on the refractive surgery block makes me think... this could be the future
1 min read
November 14, 2014
Raised risk of central serous chorioretinopathy associated with Androgel or Testopill treatment
1 min read
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