Referrals Change Lives
Local services that help patients come to terms with sight loss are often in place – and ophthalmologists must make sure patients know how to access them

When patients are referred to ophthalmologists at hospital eye service departments for further diagnosis, they often feel lost – and may harbor genuine fear for their future. Patients may wonder if they will need to give up driving or how their work might be affected. They will also consider potential changes to their lifestyle and how their partner or family may be affected. The other immediate thought will be about further deterioration of their eyesight: “How will I be able to cope?” When patients eventually go to the hospital and get the diagnosis, the worrying doesn’t stop. Even if all the ophthalmic care professionals are kind and factual, patients are likely to remain concerned about their future – or even experience shock. Receiving a diagnosis such as deterioration of eyesight is extremely upsetting.
It is of vital importance that patients are surrounded by people who not only care, but who can also support them through the turmoil and distress – people who understand the predicament they are facing – and will help them understand that having limited vision does not mean life coming to an end.
In the UK, many hospital eye services have an eye clinic liaison officer (ECLO) on hand to provide emotional and practical advice; local sensory services or sight loss charities may also be available. However, patients do not often receive referrals for these potentially life-changing services, so it is largely up to the patient to find them.
In the UK, there is frequent talk about the development of a system that aims to link health and social services. It is of paramount importance that this happens with maximum effect for the benefit of those patients who are experiencing the beginning of their sight-loss journey. The term currently used is “integrated care,” which describes the process of making it easier for NHS health professionals, as well as social care workers who are part of council-led services, to work more closely and effectively together.
Integrating health and social care services in this way seems eminently sensible. It means that, where people need support and treatment for several different conditions, they can receive this care from several different doctors, social care staff and specialists. In the same way, those patients suddenly facing sight loss or low vision can more easily be directed to the right support systems.
You may think that patients only need to know where services are located and how they can access them, but the wider issue is that patients find themselves having to repeat the same information to different doctors, specialists or care workers. Such inefficiency is immensely frustrating, given that they may already be floundering; they simply want to access the services they need to help them adapt to change and live a normal life.
What must we do? We need to put people – and their needs or goals – at the epicenter of a network of healthcare professionals, who all work as a unified team within a streamlined system. Involvement is the key to helping people feel better about their condition, their prospects, and any change in lifestyle that may result from a new diagnosis. With an integrated approach, lives can be enriched, and a highly fulfilling and happy lifestyle achieved – whether in work, sport, family or social relationships.
From initial diagnosis to a content and well-supported life – we all have a role to play in this very important journey. It will require a level of patience and enlightenment, which is only to be expected, but we should not leave patients enduring trauma whilst struggling to reach the support they need.
Founder of Visualise Training and Consultancy, Cardiff, UK