10/28/2013 | Mark Hillen
Can Hoya IOLs regain market position after being withdrawn for the best part of a year?
Should patients with presbyopia be swapping their natural lens for a multifocal IOL?
The benefits of cataract surgery extend well beyond improvement in visual acuity, according to results from a recently-published study by Australian researchers
10/28/2013 | Sophia Ktori
In an animal model of ischemic retinal disease, a single Ang1 injection suppresses vascular leakage and stimulates blood vessel formation
10/16/2013 | Mark Hillen
Interventions by ophthalmologists have an incredible power to improve – and extend – lives. As superpowers go, it’s not quite laser vision, but it’s close enough!
During the DOC 2013 in Nürnberg/Germany the new Geuder MACH2 Double-Blade Vitreous Cutter was introduced. For the first time, the technology of two active blades has been realized in a sterile product.
09/24/2013 | Rolf Schwind
What is SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions known for? We develop, produce and market a comprehensive product portfolio for the treatment of ametropia and corneal diseases. This includes diagnostic systems, software modules for individual treatment planning, and nanosecond and excimer laser systems.
09/23/2013 | Mark Hillen
How do you translate a good idea into a physical, purchasable product? Technical, medical, regulatory and business skills are a must, as is an immense ability to resist pressure – especially when your device measures it.
Dry Eye Disease (DED) is one of the most common problems that we deal with in our clinics. We have seen our dry eye clinic grow exponentially as the baby boomers become older. We completed a 3 year retrospective study showing that over 75%
09/23/2013 | David Andrews
In Australia, the highly successful collaborative care approach for glaucoma patients has been ripped apart by the optometrists’ regulatory body. Can it be repaired? Ophthalmologists are making a determined effort.
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