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Subspecialties Cataract

Juggling Cataract and Glaucoma Treatment

| Carlos Buznego

Concomitant ocular diseases present an increasingly common challenge.

Business & Profession Cornea / Ocular Surface

Two-Tap Amblyopia Screening

| David Huang, Joannah Vaughan

With childhood vision disorders like amblyopia and strabismus, early diagnosis is the key to treatment success.

Business & Profession Professional Development

Big Data in Medicine and Ophthalmology

| Pete Sudbury

Big data analytics is the most sophisticated method yet devised for “augmenting the human intellect”.

Business & Profession Retina

Heads Up!

| Mark Hillen

A head-mounted iPhone-based ophthalmoscope is the latest step in the rapidly evolving world of smartphone fundoscopy

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Images of Ophthalmology

| Mark Hillen

In August, The Ophthalmologist will publish a special issue showcasing the very best images from the field of ophthalmology.

Business & Profession Professional Development

This Month in Business

| Mark Hillen

Valeant and Allergan continue to joust, Santen purchases MSD’s ophthalmology drug portfolio in selected markets, and Kala completes a US$22.5 million Series B financing round

Business & Profession Professional Development

Ophthotech's Billion Dollar Baby

| Mark Hillen

Purchase of the ex-US rights for Fovista is costing Novartis US$200 million down and up to a cool US$1 billion in milestone payments

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Downward Dog, Upward IOP

| Mark Hillen

Common yoga positions significantly raise IOP for prolonged periods

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

The Benefits of a Col-Treg Education

| Mark Hillen

The body’s own regulatory T-lymphocytes, known as Tregs, can be taught to douse inflammation.

Subspecialties Neuro-ophthalmology

You See What You Hear

| Mark Hillen

The visual cortex processes auditory information – both real and imaginary

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