Trusted IOP – Under Pressure
Tono-Vera® Tonometer from Reichert® provides fast, objective, and repeatable results, giving clinicians more confidence in IOP measurements
sponsored by Reichert Technologies

We all know the world’s population is rapidly aging, with a subsequent increased demand on healthcare systems. We also know that age and elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) are both major risk factors for glaucoma. To be able to detect and manage glaucoma within this at-risk population accurately and effectively, ophthalmologists need an IOP measurement they can trust.
The all-new Reichert® Tono-Vera® Tonometer enables a high-confidence IOP result to be obtained in as few as three measurements. The device uses gentle rebound tonometry technology, which eliminates the need for topical anesthetic, making it more comfortable for patients. Tono-Vera uses Ocu-Dot® Tonometer Probes, which are single use and individually packaged for fast and easy loading.
Notably, Tono-Vera Tonometer is the only handheld tonometer that incorporates an interactive camera positioning system, ActiView™, which offers a full color view of the eye with intuitive alignment prompts that quickly guide the user to the apex of the cornea and automatically measures. This feature is particularly important because tissue properties differ from the center to the periphery of the cornea. These property differences impact the accuracy of the measured IOP. In addition, off-center measurements can result in the probe glancing and deflecting, resulting in unreliable measurements. But the precise positioning ensured by this device gives the user more confidence in the IOP readings and is one of the many Tono-Vera design features specifically tailored for objective and efficient measurements.

The device design is compact and calibration-free, and it includes a charging base that conveniently stores and dispenses Ocu-Dot Tonometer Probes, as well as an innovative FlexiSoft™ Forehead Rest that allows for faster and easier positioning – a thoughtful design that increases efficiency. Tono-Vera is also Bluetooth® enabled, reducing risk of errors being recorded when uploading results; IOP measurements can seamlessly be sent directly into the EMR system.
In fact, Tono-Vera Tonometer is so easy to use that the important task of taking IOP measurements can be delegated to a technician, allowing clinicians more time to review the results and work out the patient’s treatment plan.
Reichert has a rich tonometry heritage, having driven continuous advancement in tonometry and diagnostics for over 75 years. With the addition of the new Tono-Vera Tonometer, Reichert now offers the most comprehensive line of tonometer options to fit any practice and patient needs.
Tono-Vera is currently pending FDA Clearance; Pending Health Canada Licensing.