Trust the Process… and Other News
We share some of the most interesting recent glaucoma-focused research
Oscelle Boye | | 2 min read | News
Analyzing AI. The capability of AI as a glaucoma diagnostic tool was assessed in a meta-analysis. Having searched databases for studies that developed or investigated AI use for glaucoma detection using fundus and OCT images, researchers saw the potential of AI to revolutionize glaucoma care, but concluded that AI is not ready for implementation into clinical care as issues such as standardizing grading protocol, implementing external data validation, and analysis across different ethnicity groups are yet to be addressed. Link
Trust the process. Data postprocessing reduces variability of visual field data, and can be used to more effectively track glaucoma progression. Researchers applied a dynamic structure–function (DSF) model to a database from 118 glaucoma eyes. They found that without compromising specificity, DSF-predicted measurements to identify progression produced similar or better data sensitivity to noise, which can be applied to existing visual field data to evaluate patients who may be at risk of glaucoma progression. Link
Ringing true. A case-control study using nationwide population-based data from Taiwan, using data from the country’s National Health Insurance Research database for patients with a first-time diagnosis of tinnitus, showed a slight association between primary open angle glaucoma patients and tinnitus, indicating a higher risk of developing tinnitus within this patient group. However, the underlying mechanisms are yet to be discovered. Link
Surgical dilemma. A study of the long-term success of surgical intervention in Thai primary congenital glaucoma patients found that primary trabeculotomy and primary combined trabeculectomy showed the highest long-term success rates whereas primary diode transscleral cyclophotocoagulation (TSCPC) demonstrated the lowest efficacy, with no successful outcomes after 48 months. All surgery types assessed, apart from TSCPC, had comparable cumulative one-year success rates. Link
Fun in the sun. The SUN project finds that adhering to Mediterranean lifestyle is significantly associated with lower risk of glaucoma. Certain healthy habits were used to quantify Mediterranean lifestyle adherence: Mediterranean diet, moderate consumption of alcohol (no binge drinking), having never smoked, good levels of physical activity, low TV exposure, an afternoon nap, meeting up with friends, and low body mass index. Link
In Other News…
Tracking change. A new method of tracking glaucoma progression enables visualization of this change in a two-dimensional structural and functional space. Link
Protein protection. If Sigma 1 receptors protecting retinal ganglion cells are missing, astrocytes may not be able to secrete supportive factors for neurons, leading to glaucomatous damage. Link
Calcium equilibrium. Damage to nanotubes connecting pericytes in glaucoma patients – due to calcium deficits – leads to neurovascular deficits. Link
Genetic risk. Immediate IOP elevation and iritis incidence after prophylactic laser peripheral iridotomy was higher in Black primary angle closure patients. Link
Studying stem cells. Researchers investigated human stem cells made into retinal ganglion cells, attempting to slow down glaucoma progression or even reversing vision loss. Link
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I have always been fascinated by stories. During my biomedical sciences degree, though I enjoyed wet lab sessions, I was truly in my element when sitting down to write up my results and find the stories within the data. Working at Texere gives me the opportunity to delve into a plethora of interesting stories, sharing them with a wide audience as I go.