The Nature of Neuromyelitis Optica
A retrospective study by the Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group helps physicians better understand the challenging disease
Neuromyelitis optica is an autoimmune disease involving the inflammation and demyelination of the optic nerve (optic neuritis) and spinal cord (myelitis). Attacks of the disease are often severe and difficult to treat, resulting in lingering deficits for patients. Recently, a group of researchers on behalf of the Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group conducted a retrospective review of patient records from the NEMOS registry (1), (2) to determine the nature and severity of attacks, the rates of remission after attacks, and the efficacy of the most common therapies. The following graphs represent their results.
- I Kleiter et al., “Neuromyelitis optica: evaluation of 871 attacks and 1,153 treatment courses”, Ann Neurol, [Epub ahead of print] (2015). PMID: 26537743.
- Neuromyelitis optica Studiengruppe, “NEMOS” (2015). Available at: www.nemos-net. de. Accessed December 17, 2015.

While obtaining degrees in biology from the University of Alberta and biochemistry from Penn State College of Medicine, I worked as a freelance science and medical writer. I was able to hone my skills in research, presentation and scientific writing by assembling grants and journal articles, speaking at international conferences, and consulting on topics ranging from medical education to comic book science. As much as I’ve enjoyed designing new bacteria and plausible superheroes, though, I’m more pleased than ever to be at Texere, using my writing and editing skills to create great content for a professional audience.