Seeing the Full Spectrum
How RGB endo-illumination allows you to experience extended application possibilities
sponsored by Geuder

Introducing the latest innovation by Geuder: SOLEA, an LED light source for endo-illumination capable of displaying an incredible 16.7 million colors of the visible spectrum. Built with exclusive RGB technology, it offers enormous freedom in color composition and visualization of the finest tissue structures at color temperatures of 3,500–6,000 K.
With a maximum luminous flux of 45 lumen, the operating field is perfectly illuminated, while the phototoxic amount is low – thanks to an integrated retinal protection mode that can completely deactivate the blue LED. In this regard, the benefits are two-fold: i) it increases patient safety and ii) it enables longer illumination times with comparable light intensity. And thanks to the narrow-band spectrum of the LEDs, additional UV or IR filters are not required. Moreover, with three independent fiber optic outputs and an LED service life of up to 60,000 hours, the Geuder SOLEA is a truly sustainable light source.
The clear benefits to vitreoretinal surgeons include real color rendering for maximum tissue distinction through complementary contrasts in the RGB color space. Existing applications of blue and amber light can now be expanded to include applications in the green light spectrum, enabling easy differentiation of vascularization in the posterior segment. For example, in the case of stained ILM peeling with Brilliant Peel® Dual Dye, the colored tissue appears significantly more intense under green light.
Since the introduction of one- and two-color LED technology, blue light has increasingly been used for the visualization of vitreous body remnants. Notably, the Geuder SOLEA has the unique ability to reduce the phototoxic amount of blue light through additive color mixing of all three primary colors – red, green and blue – to obtain adjacent colors, such as turquoise or purple, which offer the same visual effect. RGB technology should make Geuder’s new endoillumination system the surgeon’s first choice for unrestricted control and extended application possibilities in intraocular illumination.