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Inherited Sight

Credit: The Ophthalmologist

A new National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)-funded UK study has revealed significant untapped potential for eye donations, specifically in the context of palliative and hospice care settings. Surprisingly, the study – conducted in three palliative care services and three hospice care settings in the North, Midlands, and South of England – found that less than four percent of eligible patients had been notified about being able to donate their eyes. As these types of donations are in short supply, these findings could provide a viable remedy to the shortage. The researchers also point to changes in practice that are needed to ensure that end-of-life patients are offered these potentially life-changing opportunities.

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  1. T Long-Sutehall et al., “Eye donation from palliative and hospice care contexts: the EDiPPPP mixed-methods study,” 11, 1 (2023). PMID: 37929829.
About the Author
Alun Evans
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