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ESCRS 2021: An Invite from Ace Vision Group

sponsored by Ace Vision Group

This year, Ace Vision is taking advantage of the hybrid format of the event and to ensure that all visitors will be equally well informed about our technology innovations, Ace Vision has worked hard to prepare both a virtual and live means of keeping abreast of its latest news and innovations.

There will be virtual and in-person opportunities for visitors to this year’s ESCRS Meeting to watch and take part in multiple presentations that introduce the new Laser Scleral Mircroporation procedure the company is developing, including preliminary results, modeling of accommodation, as well as presentations on the manifestation of presbyopia as a universal warning sign for age-related sight loss.

Visitors to Ace Vision’s presentations will also have the opportunity to see the latest innovations in addressing the etiology of presbyopia and to learn about the latest therapeutic solutions to restore the accommodation function of the eye.

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