CENTURION® Vision System: Insights and Experiences on Leveraging Innovative Phaco Technology
Highlights from the Amsterdam 2015 CENTURION® Vision System Council Meeting
sponsored by Alcon

Chairperson: Khiun Tija, Zwolle, The Netherlands
The CENTURION® Vision System Council panel discussed everything from how they use CENTURION® to deal with challenging cases, the pros and cons of 30° and 45° bevels in the Balanced Tip, the relevance of OZil Intelligent Phaco to cataract surgery today, and their consensus for optimized ultrasound settings for routine and dense cataracts.
Christer Johansson Kalmar, Sweden
Gabor Scharioth Recklinghausen, Germany/
Szeged, Hungary
Damian Lake East Grinstead, UK
Bekir Sıtkı Aslan Ankara, Turkey
Carlo Cagini Perugia, Italy
Ozana Moraru Bucharest, Romania
Cyrus Tabatabay Geneva, Switzerland
Khaled A. Khalifa Cairo, Egypt
Detlev Breyer Heidelberg, Germany
Ramón Ruiz Mesa Jerez, Spain
Philippe Crozafon Nice, France
Saleh Al-Messabi Abu Dhabi, UAE
Ramón Lorente Moore Orense, Spain
Abdallah Hassouna Cairo, Egypt