Johnson & Johnson
The Power List 2018

Tom Frinzi
Worldwide President, Johnson & Johnson Vision, Surgical
How does J&J Vision support leaders – both internal and external?
We believe the best talent, provided with the best resources, produce the best results. To this end, we invest heavily in individual development so our leaders can truly serve their teams. We work in cross-functional, global teams across the Johnson & Johnson network to accelerate innovation. And, we aim to make our workforce the healthiest in the world through initiatives like J&J Human Performance Institute trainings, which teach work/life balance.
Externally, we provide 360° support of the ophthalmology community. From advocacy with policymakers and professional societies to teaching facilities and education, we support those on the front lines of care.
What does it take for a company like J&J Vision to rise to a position of influence within eyecare?
Over the last year, Johnson & Johnson Vision has really become a broad-based, global leader in eyecare by uniting our contact lens and dry eye portfolios with our surgical solutions to treat and correct refractive error. As a result, we’re able to make a meaningful difference for patients across the full spectrum of their vision needs.
On top of this, we have the backing of Johnson & Johnson, the world’s largest and most trusted healthcare company. This allows us to better serve our communities, through work with organizations like Cure Blindness, and really change the overall trajectory of eye health.
How does J&J Vision plan to continue leading the field – and making a difference to ophthalmologists and patients – in the coming years?
We’ll continue to stay relevant and lead the field by outpacing the market with new solutions to best meet our patients’ lifelong eye health needs, as well as solutions to help the health care professionals treating them. And, when I think about that, it’s not only about bringing new products to market, but also providing innovative ways to address the challenges ophthalmologists and patients face – whether that be through community outreach, education, resources, digital solutions, and beyond.