Dan Lindfield
The Power List 2018

Dan Lindfield
Consultant Ophthalmologist and Glaucoma Director, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, UK
What have been your career highlights?
“Hopefully, I’m still on an upward trajectory. It’s exciting to trial new diagnostic and therapeutic technology, but I find seeing my patients every day the most rewarding. Gathering data and trying to evolve surgical techniques challenges me but it’s the translation to day-to-day practice that I most enjoy.”
What inspires you?
“My trainees. The daily challenge to analyze what I’m doing and to find the words, means (and data) to explain why I’m doing it. It’s symbiotic. They push me and hopefully, I gently push them back. It’s great to see their energy and their potential flourish.”
What’s the future of glaucoma management?
“There’s definitely a tide change. We have so many treatment options (some could say too many at the moment as we try to make sense of them all!). What I see coming is data increasingly driving our decision making and becoming more integrated; AI-assisted systems pulling together IOP, RNFL/GCL analyses with (better measures of) visual field function and possibly newer variables like outflow resistance, episcleral venous pressure and methods of predicting conjunctival fibrotic response to surgery. We’ll be able to detect smaller rates of change and more accurately predict future risk. With this comes tailored management of need versus risk which is constantly appraised.”
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