Richard Lindstrom
The Power List 2018

Richard Lindstrom
Founder and Attending Surgeon of Minnesota Eye Consultants; Adjunct Clinical Professor Emeritus at The University of Minnesota Department of Ophthalmology, Minneapolis, MN, USA
It’s hard to overstate the difference Dick Lindstrom has made to ophthalmology. He’s served as President ASCRS, ISRS, IIIC and the IRSC, and is an internationally recognized leader in corneal, cataract, refractive, glaucoma and laser surgery. He has been at the forefront of ophthalmology’s evolutionary changes throughout his career, as a recognized researcher, teacher, inventor, writer, lecturer and highly acclaimed physician and surgeon.
He is an innovator through-and-through, and his business nous is unparalleled: he’s been awarded over 40 patents and has developed a number of corneal preservation solutions, IOLs and instruments that are used in clinical practices globally. He serves on the boards of directors of nearly 20 companies. Amongst all that, Dick served for 20 years as Chairman and CEO of Lindstrom Cleaning and Construction, a three-generation family business. His list of top awards is long – it’s notable that he received the lifetime achievement award from the ISRS twice – once in 1995, and again in 2002! He has traveled the world giving lectures on cornea, cataract, glaucoma, laser, and refractive surgery, but when not globetrotting, he lives in Minneapolis on the shores of Lake Minnetonka with his wife, Jaci; he has two children and five grandchildren.
What have been your career highlights?
“Training over 70 Fellows. Being involved in innovation for cataract, IOL, cornea and glaucoma. Caring for thousands of complex patients. Teaching colleagues worldwide. Working with industry broadly to advance the art and science of ophthalmology. Serving as President of the ISRS, IRSC, ASCRS, and IIIC.”
What are your goals for the future?
“Serving on many Board of Directors and Medical Advisory Boards and investing to develop next-generation technologies and techniques. Continue above.”
What has been your most successful collaboration?
“In practice, working with now 17 ophthalmologists and 11 optometrists at Minnesota Eye Consultants. In organized ophthalmology, decades on the Executive Committee of ASCRS. In industry, wide participation in hundreds of new technologies.”
What are your plans for the next 10 years?
“Well, a five-year plan: continue to practice half time, teach and support innovation, support ASCRS mission.”
What drives you day-to-day?
“The greatest joy comes from the journey and those I share it with. The intellectual stimulation is profound and meaningful.”
Who have been your mentors?
“Parents, wife, children, partners, and colleagues every day. Special to me in my early years of ophthalmology were Donald J. Doughman, William S. Harris, John Pearce, Karl Jacobi and Bill Link.”
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