What is SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions known for?
We develop, produce and market a comprehensive product portfolio for the treatment of ametropia and corneal diseases. This includes diagnostic systems, software modules for individual treatment planning, and nanosecond and excimer laser systems. SCHWIND is known as an owner-operated family enterprise whose products are synonymous with precision, safety and predictability of treatment results.
How do you stay at the forefront of the sector?
Ours is a niche strategy in a market mainly dominated by multi-national, listed corporations. We concentrate on corneal refractive surgery and we are committed exclusively to our customers. Our energy is devoted to developing innovative solutions, and we place continuity and reliability ahead of short-term profits. The company has tremendous expertise and abundant in-house experience, and we perform our development work in close co-operation with internationally-renowned refractive surgeons. The resulting technological innovations are backed up by intensive support through application and service, and by a very responsive approach to the needs of individual customers. It is this combination of factors that is so highly appreciated by our users.
Can you tell us about the early days of the company? When did you join?
It was founded in 1958 by my father, who was an ophthalmic practitioner. The company initially concentrated on glasses as the solution for visual deficiencies – he specialized mainly in diagnostics, equipping eye doctors and eye clinics with examination units – but it grew to become an all-round provider of diagnostic systems.
Two innovations established the company as a pioneer within the industry in Germany. The first central examination unit for ophthalmologists was introduced in 1966, and was followed in 1972 by the launch of the first soft contact lens, through former affiliate company Titmus Eurocon.
I joined the company in 1984 as soon as I had completed my university entrance diploma and studies in Business Administration, and performed community service. From Day One I focused all of my energy on the goal of improving vision. In 1985, I assumed the position of managing partner of the SCHWIND company.
At what point, and why, did the company commit to high-tech laser systems?
The first eye correction with a SCHWIND laser took place in 1992. Two years later we introduced the first passive eye-tracking system. Since 1999, the company has concentrated its entire knowledge and resources on laser surgery.
Can you give us a snapshot of your company today?
The company employs a highly motivated team of more than 100 experts and we are represented in more than 120 countries. We have an inspiring and creative work environment that actively promotes innovation. The five key values that define our daily work are motivation, integrity, teamwork, openness and determination. Interdepartmental and interdisciplinary collaboration is the norm and employees are encouraged to apply for patents and publish research articles.
Where are your major markets?
To date, more than 1,300 SCHWIND laser systems have been installed worldwide. Customers include eye surgeons in ophthalmology practices, laser clinics and university hospitals. Our major market bases are Europe, Latin and South America, and the Far East. Asia has seen strong growth in recent years.
Not the United States?
No. While the technical and organizational requirements for approval of the SCHWIND AMARIS excimer laser are nearly identical in Europe and the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires additional hurdles to be cleared. We estimate that a minimum investment of $12 million and three years of work would be needed to gain approval. This is not an attractive proposition for a medium-sized company like mine; our priority is to invest in the continuous development of our technology, to benefit the surgeon and, ultimately, the patient.
Finally, what do you enjoy most about your job and what is exciting to you right now?
I enjoy the great variety of challenges that we face, in R&D, in sales, in marketing, in application and in service. I also like working in so many different countries, it presents constant challenges and learning experiences. I also take satisfaction in ours being a family company that uses all the tools at our disposal to challenge “big business”. What’s exciting me most at the moment is our development of a nanosecond laser, which is our answer to the femtosecond laser.
Rolf Schwind is the Chief Executive Officer of SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH & Co. KG. A man who takes pride in the family nature of the business (it was founded in 1958 by his father, Herbert Schwind), Rolf assumed the position of managing partner of the SCHWIND company in 1985, and has never looked back; his mission is to keep SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions at the forefront of ophthalmic device technology.