Business in Brief
From appointments to product launches… What’s new in the ophthalmic industry?

Left: David Guyer, right: Ted Danse.
- Visus Therapeutics has appointed David Guyer as the chairman of the Board, while Ted Danse has become head of business development (both pictured above). Guyer has over 30 years’ experience in ophthalmic drug development, including commercialization of the first anti-VEGF drug for AMD. Danse has held key executive roles in multiple life science companies, including Allergan and Neurotech.
- Erin Parsons has joined the Board of Directors at Alimera Sciences. Parsons brings with her more than 20 years of experience overseeing scientific strategy, communications, advocacy, and educational programs in the ophthalmic industry, including the retina space.
- Rayner Surgical Group has acquired Omeros Corporation’s ophthalmology assets, including Omidria, a product used widely for mydriasis maintenance during surgery, protecting the eye from cystoid macular edema, and reducing post-operative pain without the use of opioids. The transfer will be complete by the end of 2021.
- EyePoint Pharmaceuticals and ImprimisRx announced in a joint press release the expansion of a commercial alliance in which ImprimisRx will assume full responsibility for US sales and marketing for DEXYCU (dexamethasone intraocular suspension) 9%, for the treatment of post-operative inflammation following ocular surgery.
- Ophthalmic Sciences has launched IOPerfect, a contactless device that measures IOP and monitors glaucoma using artificial intelligence as part of a VR-like headset. The device uses tele-diagnosis, and allows patients to monitor the IOP at home without the need of recalibration or the use of additional therapeutics.

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