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The Ophthalmologist brings you the top news stories and studies of the week
Alun Evans | | 3 min read | News

From how trabeculotomy impacts quality of life, to the ocular benefits of a prenatal carotenoid supplementation, to an examination of the long-term patterns of glaucoma medication adherence, these are the trailblazing studies that caught our attention this week…
Trabeculotomy and QoL. Is quality of life (QoL) negatively impacted after a trabeculotomy? A team of researchers based at Copenhagen University Hospital sought to answer this question by surveying 58 glaucoma patients before and 12 months after the procedure. Assessing factors such as the number of glaucoma medications taken, intraocular pressure (IOP), and visual acuity, they found that patients’ QoL generally remained consistent before and after trabeculectomy. They believe these results highlight the procedure’s “stabilizing effect on both objective and subjective visual function.” Link
Prenatal ocular benefits. A prenatal carotenoid supplementation – consisting of lutein and zeaxanthin – has been found to prove beneficial for the vision of both the mother and child she is carrying. A research team based in Salt Lake City conducted a prospective randomized trial on 47 individuals, with their findings – published in Ophthalmology Science – indicating that the supplement regimen both significantly increased maternal levels of macular pigment, as well as improving foveal maturity in newborn infants. Link
FAF of faff? Scientists have drafted up a report on how fundus autofluorescence (FAF) – a fast and non-invasive, but relatively underused imaging technique – can be used to help both diagnose and monitor two different types of uveitis. The researchers report that FAF, which detects pathological abnormalities in the choroid and retina, could be used to provide doctors with information on levels of inflammation caused by both posterior uveitis and panuveitis, as well as – thanks to how the fluorophores are distributed – determine the underlying form of uveitis in the patient. Link
Predictors of glaucoma medication adherence. Examining the long-term patterns of glaucoma medication adherence in Danish patients, a BMJ Open Ophthalmology study has found that the first two years of a regime can be a crucial period for determining the patient's future adherence. Additionally, the register-based study looking at over 30,000 glaucoma patients found that increased age, a low comorbidity score, and being female were also associated with better adherence rates. Link
EyeCare Partners fellowship and foundation. At this year’s ASCRS (American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery), EyeCare Partners announced the launch of their new Refractive Cataract Anterior Segment (RCAS) Fellowship. In conjunction with the fellowship, the company, which focuses on clinically integrated eye care, is also launching the ECP Foundation, a non-profit aimed at expanding access to ophthalmic services in underserved areas of the community. Link