John Berdahl
John Berdahl is a Partner at Vance Thompson Vision, CEO of Equinox and Founder of ExperOpinion.md; all in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA. He is a consultant for ViaLase, Sight Sciences, Glaukos, Alcon, and New World Medical.
John Berdahl is a Partner at Vance Thompson Vision, CEO of Equinox and Founder of ExperOpinion.md; all in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA. He is a consultant for ViaLase, Sight Sciences, Glaukos, Alcon, and New World Medical.
April 25, 2023
Why we must strive for more precise visualization systems and treatment approaches when it comes to primary open-angle glaucoma.
3 min read
September 7, 2016
How does humankind make it to Mars? By redefining glaucoma, for starters…
1 min read
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