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15 search results for ‘*’

Subspecialties Retina

Clearing Stress

| Michael R. Volkert | 5 min read

A gene therapy targeting a gene that regulates antioxidant action may effectively treat retinal degeneration

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

It’s a Drug’s Life

| Geoffrey Potjewyd | 5 min read

Many drugs are applied to the eye, yet we have little to no quantitative data on ocular drug metabolism – until now…

Subspecialties Retina

A Tiny Factory

| Thomas Aaberg, Jr. | 5 min read

Scaffolding a solution to macular telangiectasia with encapsulated cell therapy

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

A Smart Patch for Smart Tech

| Yariv Bar-On | 6 min read

Smart contact lenses may be the future of eye health, but how does a small eyelid patch bridge the technology gap to make this a reality?

Subspecialties Retina

On the Right Track

| Konstantinos Balaskas

AI may be the kryptonite needed to counter the creeping progress of AMD and GA

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