Andrea Tooley
The Power List 2017
Andrea Tooley
Ophthalmology Resident at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
With an active online and social media presence, Tooley is quickly establishing herself as a leading voice for young ophthalmologists. She is highly interested in philanthropic ophthalmology, and increasing medical students’ interest in ophthalmology and medicine.
One nominator said: “ Andrea Tooley is without a doubt a rising star in ophthalmology. As a resident, she has already demonstrated her dedication to education and leadership. Andrea was initially introduced to ophthalmology while flying airplanes in training for her private pilot’s license. Another pilot introduced Andrea to Orbis International, and she subsequently accompanied the organization on a trip to Peru in 2006. Since that time, Andrea has continued to be involved in philanthropic ophthalmology, starting a free eye clinic in Indianapolis while she was in medical school. Outside of her clinical responsibilities, Andrea maintains a tremendous online presence through her blog, Instagram, and YouTube channels. She reaches over 30,000 subscribers on Instagram, and her YouTube channel has over 50,000 subscribers and 3 million views.”